
July 13, 2012

Sparrow Creek Ranch: it takes a family to build a barn:

Family means everyone involved is family to us! 

For those of you who could not make it to the wedding or just heard the stories about the amazing barn my dad built, I thought I should share some more “building in process” and “finished project photos” with you. This was a family effort that could not have been done without everyone’s skills, blood, and tears. You can read the re-purposed blog post to learn more about the building materials  (under wedding bliss). 

This place is special to us because this is where George proved himself. My parents bought this property in 2006, and I started bringing George home then. We spend our Graham weekends at the land cutting brush, watching for copper heads, and eating hotdogs under the stars, warmed by a campfire atop the hill that eventually became our beloved ceremony site. These weekends continued for years without knowing what incredible fruit they would one day yield: God’s plans are always better than our own.

If you were at the wedding, your chair was right here! 

looking a little better 

final product

This blog is a thank you and showcase for the love that came from so many to build this special place. Of course, my Dad, who didn’t get home till after 10 every night for the past year, was the last to leave and the first to work on the barn, day and night. My mom's time and beautiful creativity can be seen in so many amazing designs and little details that make it so special. Most notably, she helped save the ceremony site from fire with only an old broom and clipboard! 

My dear sister and her boyfriend Hagen, for their weekends away from friends, cutting brush and building whatever needed building, from bathrooms to signs and everything in between, they had their hands in it.

George, of course, drove almost every weekend straight to Graham from Houston for four months to help work on whatever that week’s mega task was, from putting in the septic tanks to building the bathrooms.  Randy and Joe Moore’s support and help are hard to match: from driving the loaders to get the walls up to coming to the rescue like the Dukes of Hazard when the burn pile got out of control on the ceremony site! 

The last week would have been unbearable without the help of Marjorie, Aubrey, and the Brogden women. Sweeping floors, scrapping windows, and getting us to the finish line were just a few of the amazing things they did that week.  

The work everyone did and the months of enduring cactus in every inch of their bodies is what true friendship and family look like. I love them all and can’t believe we pulled this thing off! 

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  1. It is amazing to see you all come together and build this great barn! Where I come from, it is a little more crowded, and American Barns are a rare sight to behold! It looks like you put together a great place for a wedding and a completely successful reception!

  2. Hi Eliza,
    yes it was quite the spectacle! All the hard work and sweat and tears was worth it; it was truly a wedding that represented our family values. And it literally felt like it took the entire town xoxo

  3. It's a laborious task, but the result is wonderful so it's so worth every effort. It's so nice of your family to be all involved in building that amazing barn. The ranch looks more incredible with that barn in it.

    Darren Lanphere
