
November 10, 2011

Back at Training Camp.. well sort of Kalli Fullerton Season 6 Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Making the Team

It was an honor to be invited back to the DCC training camp, but to say the least… things have changed. First of all, I have been running on the beach with my dog for the last four months on a nightly basis to get ready for the mile (or more) run I had come to hate before every practice in 2006. I have never been a runner; jogging and walking, on the other hand, I love and are a daily activity. 

Those grueling laps around Valley Ranch have been a faint memory for a couple of years. Regardless of how happy I was about the missing running requirements, I truly was confused about the remaining workouts that were a huge part of training camp last time. I was mentally prepared for an hour of workouts with Jay, then a couple of hours of dancing, and heading home about 12am. We were still getting out at 11pm or 12am, but workouts had no impact on that late departure. This leads to the next change from 2006 to 2011 training camps.

Starting on the first night of training camp, we learned a new dance EVERY NIGHT. The amount and the speed of learning new material was double compared to my first experience. I am still shocked at how true dancers can just pick it up! Several days I would have to bite my lip when someone would say, “I didn’t practice, I hope we review,” or “once I do it again I’ll know it.” These women are genuinely meant to do this! It is amazing... that has never been me. After practice, I would go home, eat, try to sleep, wake up, and practice from 10-3:30 on the previous night’s routine. Take a quick shower and head to practice. A small group and I arrived at Valley Ranch around five every night (actual practice started at 7).  We rarely took time to review during actual practice, instead moving right along to the next dance (thus, the reason we arrived early… review, review, review).  Comparing 2006 and 2011, the speed and amount learned in 2011 were not anticipated and are still unnerving (the mile run in tights would have been better).

Regarding learning so quickly, the number one fear should have been performing those routines every night for Kelli and Judy. The last time I was in Training Camp, as soon as we learned a routine we were shaking in our poms knowing it was time to perform in rookie groups for Kelli and Judy. It still shocks me, but this is not how this summer turned out to be… at all. 

Kelli and Judy were hardly at practices, and if they were, we sparingly saw their shadows behind the tinted glass from Kelli’s office. Before the last week of Training Camp, we had only performed in front of them about four times. You would think this would be a good thing, but it only put more and more pressure on us each time we were caught off guard by an unannounced performance night. You only have a few times to get it right, and all hopes of “at least they have seen me on my good night” were out the door, leaving you with a hit-or-miss situation.

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