
March 4, 2012

Engagement Story: Catalina Island

As my last week of Graduate School at CSULB ended, George flew out to help me move back to TEXAS after two long years of separation. When George arrived in Long Beach, we drove straight to pick up the Uhaul and packed up my apartment. After a long day of packing nothing was left but a few hours to sleep before we set out the next day for Catalina Island. George had promised me months not to go to Catalina without him, so after a long wait, we were both really anxious about making the trip. 

The next morning was filled with complications. After waking up to a rainy day and me being 30 minutes late, the deadline to make it to the ferry on time was fading. Then, as I fumbled with directions (as usual) and George tried to keep it together, we missed our exit and pulled off the highway with the Uhaul in the rain.  All hope of making it on time seemed lost. Running up to the ferry and pushing our tickets into the clerk's hands, George's heart was able to start again as the voice on the loud speaker said, "Last call," just as we crossed over the threshold and onto the Catalina Ferry.  

Once George could breathe, under the disguise of “going to the bathroom,” he made a few phone calls since the rain threatened his plans for the day. However, once we landed, the sun came out, and we embarked on George's plans for the afternoon, starting with zip lining through the mountains that gave us the most gorgeous views of the beaches. Once we got to the last stand on the zip tour, George convinced me to go last and I reluctantly agreed. Once we hit the stand, I was quickly whipped around and unstrapped from the wire.  A stranger with a flip cam stood before me and asked, “How was it.” After an "it was amazing!" I turned to the side to see what this new friend was awkwardly pointing to my right.... it was George on one knee with a little black box.  George raised the ring up and said...... "Kalli.............." Being more than shocked, I turned away to collect my thoughts but quickly turned around and yelled, "Yes, yes, yes!!!"

Once we were down from the zip line and all the gear was off, a man showed up with a basket of champagne, cheese, and other sweets. The best part of the day was ahead of us because George had reserved a little bungalow for us to spend the rest of the day in as we soaked up the beautiful scenery and all the excitement!!! The spot was breathtaking, and because of the rain, the beachgoers had all stayed home and left this perfect day for us to enjoy practically alone on a pristine deserted island. It was a perfect proposal, trip, and start to a new life together!  

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  1. this is so darn sweet! and your pics are amazing! catalina looks beautiful! congrats :)

    1. Thanks Emily! Yes it was so sweet; poor thing I think he almost lost his mind when we thought we were going to miss the ferry!
