
March 25, 2012

Green Wedding: RE-PURPOSING

Everything Counts! That’s my idea of going green. It’s a personal choice for me to be conscious of the environmental impacts my actions carry, and my wedding is no exception. 

The first and LARGEST green move was the barn itself. My dad is building me a barn to hold the reception after the ceremony, which is a short distance away in a natural ring of trees. The barn is primarily composed of re-purposed materials. The outside tin was initially part of a very old barn being torn down, but now it has a new home. The beams supporting the structure were taken from various buildings and welded together. Even the smoke stack for the fireplace was originally part of a factory (see below). As you can imagine, we had to cut it down a little!

smoke stake to the right

For a fun shabby chic mixed with rustic look, we have been collecting old fence posts. Now that we have a rather large pile, we have started whitewashing them using old cans of paint that have been sitting in my parents' garage for years. With a wet brush and barely any paint left, we have started creating fun signs that will dot the land telling guests where to go: this way for true love… that way for “I dos,” … that way for “go home,” … etc.  

The tables will combine old books, candles, and other decorative items found around my mother’s fantastic home (one of the benefits of getting married in your hometown). There will also be wildflowers in old jars ranging in all sizes. My family has been collecting these jars for years out of creeks, backs of old cars, garage sales, etc. This weekend, we splurged and bought three huge water jugs before they were plastic (mom keeps using them until the wedding, of course ... see below). Using these glass bottles is not only re-purposing them but cutting down on the cost significantly, while at the same time, it is exactly the look I wanted!


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